Thursday, 30 October 2014
Saturday, 25 October 2014
Artist Brief
Artist Brief:
Artist name: Cold Liberty
History/background: Band of four all American, composed during high school and commenced out playing remixes of musical compositions in bars/pubs. They was descried by a diminutive independent record label. Commenced out infinitesimal and done a couple of giggs and one of their gigs went viral and a scout from Warner Bros music descried the band. Band was asked by a couple of record labels but signed into Warner Bros.
Current status: The band has been signed to Warner bros for approximately half a year. The band currently has a low status; still at it's starting point, development.
Genre: Alternative rock.
Ideology: essentially being original with the creativity of it's produce.
Influences/inspirations: Foo Fighters, Fallout Boy, Muse, 30 Seconds to Mars, Linkin Park, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Paramore, Nickleback, Nirvana.
Likes: Creating music, Independence Day, expressing an informal personality, gaming
Dislikes: Musicals, impostors, drugs, abuse, femininity, pop
Tuesday, 21 October 2014
Blog Feedback
This is the feedback I recieevd from my blog. Due to my feedback; I need to edit/update my drafts and place them on my blog. I also need to plan and discuss the digipak design and other ideologies associated with our music video production and planning.
Monday, 20 October 2014
Focus Group Recording
After having a group discussion about the aspects which correlate with the production of our music video; we established a couple of insights which we will consider for our music video production.
Location: we discussed location as a main subject to manifest our footage capturing. As a group we agreed with having the idea of taking photographs of our band and recording parts of our narrative and performance music video in abandoned, desolate locations. For example, a forest, marsh and an urban location. We also considered using a studio for the performance sector of our music video - using a stage may be useful to bring fourth a sense of a live performance.
Costume: To follow the conventions of our chosen genre (alternative rock) we need to consider a dark theme/colour scheme for our costume for the narrative and performance. For the music video, I decided to also be an actor for the narrative section because we could not find anyone else to fit the slot of being in the narrative and I also appear in the performance for being a band member. I worse dark colours (all black). We mainly desired dark colours, preferably black. We were satisfied with casual clothes: skinny/baggy jeans; dark coloured clothing; hooded jumpers and trainers.
Photographer/cinematographer: due to the fact that all four band members needed to be in the performance structure of the video; we needed to find someone to use my camera to record the performance and narrative (EOS Canon 600). I performed in the narrative and performance, therefore, I was not always able to be the cinematographer for the band. However, for the narrative structure; I was capable of recording various scenes as I would not appear in every single scene. I recorded a variety of point of view shots which involved running down roads with the camera to make the running scenes more tense. I am an experienced photographer/cinematographer as I used to participate in A level photography. When I was not able to be the photographer/cinematographer, Nathan Hogben was responsible for assisting with the camera work under.
Actors: The performance sector will display myself, Ben, Louis and Jonathan and for the narrative section myself and three others are required to perform in the narrative. We later asked a couple of friends which would take up these roles and they did.
Friday, 17 October 2014
Song Choice Survey Feedback
This is our first survey we handed out but we forgot to add the band names so it was harder for people to identify the listed songs.
We created a refined version of the survey; easier for people to identify the listed songs.
This is the feedback we received from our survey. We asked people to pick their favourite song which is listed on the sheet. We used this survey to initially establish a song for our band.
Digipak Rough Plan Design
This is the rough design of my digipak. I have listed the subjects which would be most conveinient to consider for each side of the digipak.
Thursday, 16 October 2014
Font Feedback
This is the feedback we received for our font choice. However, the majority of the fonts are quite similar, so we may have to create another survey for a more accurate result for the font use for our band name which will appear on our digipak.
Song List
As a group these are the songs we have decided on and considered for our music video. We will create a survey to gather some feedback for the most conveinient song for our genre; this will substantially give us an idea of what songt to pick for the production of our music video.
Foo Fighters:
The Pretender
Learn to Fly
All my Life
Long road to ruin
Thirty Seconds to Mars:
Kings and Queens
Vox Populi
Night of The Hunter
Red Hot Chilli Peppera:
Give it Away
Scar Tissue
Can't Stop
Linkin Park:
What Iv'e Done
Fallout Boy:
Thanks For the Memories
Wednesday, 15 October 2014
Our Artist Brief
Band of four all American, composed during high school and commenced out playing remixes of musical compositions in bars/pubs. They was descried by a diminutive independent record label. Commenced out diminutive and done a couple of gigs and one of their gigs went viral and a scout from Warner Bros music descried the band. Band was asked by a couple of record labels but signed into Warner Bros.
Current Status: Been with Warner Bros for half a year and the band is still starting out.
We are Signed to Warner Bros
Our Sound (genre) is Alternative rock
Ideology: Being original; not conforming to other social groups.
Our influences: Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Linkin Park, Thirty seconds to Mars, Fallout boy, Foo Fighters, Muse, Nirvana,
Likes: Gaming, Messing around, being jokey, making music, Independence day
Dislikes: Musicals, imposters, drugs, abuse, pop, conceptions in opposition to the alternative rock genre
Likes: Gaming, Messing around, being jokey, making music, Independence day
Dislikes: Musicals, imposters, drugs, abuse, pop, conceptions in opposition to the alternative rock genre
Tuesday, 14 October 2014
Saturday, 11 October 2014
Survey - Band Name
Our feedback shows the majority of people preferred the name 'Cold Liberty'. However, as a group we're deciding to change our name for a second time. We'll have to create another survey with a variety of different names. We will also create another survey for the font which will be used for our band name.
Thursday, 9 October 2014
Jay Z - Ninety Nine Poblems analysis
Primary Audience:
The music video mainly targets African American males; due to the cultural elements which are portrayed through the music video. There is a shot of a man wearing an African, traditional, native, tribal clothing which dances to a more contemporary African street dance. Jay Z gets pulled over by a Caucasian police officer; for something relating to discrimination.
Lyrical Content:
Through the music video, Jay Z integrated reality (real time past events associated with his life) with the audience. This could possibly relate with him to exploit the white race for the ideology of discrimination. The lyrics "I've got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one" this could connote Jay Z as discriminating the opposite gender (females). The term 'Bitch' used is demeaning and suggests that women are insignificant.
Jay Z attracts male attention to the male orientated video; there are shots of women in revealing clothing presented through the video to keep men focused on the clip. The main ideology is that Jay Z exploits women: by using their bodies and sexualising them; portraying them as objects, possessions. Synaesthesia is a process Jay Z uses and is expressed through the visual images which are established in his video. The rhythm and lyrics integrate together with the visual images. Jay Z is able to connect with the audience in a personal process by relating himself with them through visual images, rhythm and lyrics. During the video, Jay Z is stopped by white policemen; this portrays a historical and racial connotation. (Police) - "Son do you know why I'm stopping you for?"
(Jay Z) - "Cause I'm young, black and wearing my hat too low".
Narrative and Performance:
The narrative is elevated with the additional performance. The narrative of the music video is quite limited; the artist needs to be promoted in the video, the audience mainly watch the video for entertainment instead of the attempt to analyse or decipher a secret/hidden image. The dancers and women keep the viewers occupied and interested in the music video. Elevates the viewers interest.
Artists continuously promote themselves in the music videos to gain popularity and to sell the music. The hip-hop genre usually requires the artist to dress in designer clothes to display the concept of wealth, attracting the male attention for the aspirational ideologies (star image).
The music video becomes subordinate due to the conventions being opposite to the expected type. The locations are not the typical expensive clubs or mansions. His music video establishes the 'ghetto' theme. the location can be described as being a poor African populated region/neighbourhood that seems rather desolate and suggests high crime rates.
The music video exemplifies the integration of intertextuality by presenting a shared culture between two concepts; the Western and African world. It illustrates traditional cultures to additional modern elements. The particular shots used contrast the detritus which appeared in the area with the desolate households.
Throughout the music video, the editing used is quite fast paced; using speed enhancement on some shots to manipulate the images, making them occasionally move faster. This makes it slightly difficult to understand on the first viewing. The fast cuts also add to the quick pace of the music video.
A black and white filter is used throughout the music video - this links the scenes together.
Wednesday, 8 October 2014
Sunday, 5 October 2014
Record Labels
Record Labels:
Record labels are associated with the marketing of music recording and music videos. A record label is the company which manages brands and manages the following: production, manufacture, distribution, marketing, promotion and other concepts relating to the development of the music recording/music video. The record label implements a copyright protection of sound recordings and music videos; they administrate talent searches and the development of new artists and maintains contrast with recording artists and their managers.
The term "record label" derives from the circular label in the centre of an vinyl record which prominently displays the name and other information.
Major Record Label:
A major record label is owned by a substantially colossal corporation. Major record labels have an over abundance of money to fund the following: promotion, tour and advertising. A major record label can be quite authoritarian; they wouldn't want to pay for the anomalies which could occur or the artists failure.
Independent Record Label:
An independent record label would sign an artist after an arranged audition; independent labels are a lot smaller in comparison to major labels whereas artists would have to pay for their own equipment (in order to create your music) usage if signed by a independent label. Independent labels are low key.
Universal Music Group:
The Universal Music Group is a multinational company; a subsidiary of Universal Studios. Various artists which were signed by thew Universal Music Group: Mariah Carey; 50 Cent; Kanye West and Gwen Stefani. This particular group was seen to be rather insignificant due to Universal Pictures Group were the most successful movie studios in Hollywood.

Warner Music Group:
Warner Brothers released the soundtracks which appeared in their films - they began the label in 1958. This lead to a popularity increase in two particular genres of music: rock and pop. The association managed to acquire Atlantic Records in 1968. Were known for the genres; jazz and R&B. They eventually changed their name to Warner Communications. They eventually unified with the Time organisation/corporation which then formed Time Warner. Warner music was sold in 2003 and made $2.3 billion.

Sony BMG:
This association holds approximately 25% of the music market. The label manipulates and distributes over 20 labels, such as the following: Red Music Distribution; Epic Records; RCA Records and Columbia Records. Sony is associated with the conglomerate; Sony Corporation.
Record labels are associated with the marketing of music recording and music videos. A record label is the company which manages brands and manages the following: production, manufacture, distribution, marketing, promotion and other concepts relating to the development of the music recording/music video. The record label implements a copyright protection of sound recordings and music videos; they administrate talent searches and the development of new artists and maintains contrast with recording artists and their managers.
The term "record label" derives from the circular label in the centre of an vinyl record which prominently displays the name and other information.
Major Record Label:
A major record label is owned by a substantially colossal corporation. Major record labels have an over abundance of money to fund the following: promotion, tour and advertising. A major record label can be quite authoritarian; they wouldn't want to pay for the anomalies which could occur or the artists failure.
Independent Record Label:
An independent record label would sign an artist after an arranged audition; independent labels are a lot smaller in comparison to major labels whereas artists would have to pay for their own equipment (in order to create your music) usage if signed by a independent label. Independent labels are low key.
Universal Music Group:
The Universal Music Group is a multinational company; a subsidiary of Universal Studios. Various artists which were signed by thew Universal Music Group: Mariah Carey; 50 Cent; Kanye West and Gwen Stefani. This particular group was seen to be rather insignificant due to Universal Pictures Group were the most successful movie studios in Hollywood.
Warner Music Group:
Warner Brothers released the soundtracks which appeared in their films - they began the label in 1958. This lead to a popularity increase in two particular genres of music: rock and pop. The association managed to acquire Atlantic Records in 1968. Were known for the genres; jazz and R&B. They eventually changed their name to Warner Communications. They eventually unified with the Time organisation/corporation which then formed Time Warner. Warner music was sold in 2003 and made $2.3 billion.
Sony BMG:
This association holds approximately 25% of the music market. The label manipulates and distributes over 20 labels, such as the following: Red Music Distribution; Epic Records; RCA Records and Columbia Records. Sony is associated with the conglomerate; Sony Corporation.
Saturday, 4 October 2014
Goodwin's Theory
Goodwin's theory is exemplified within music videos and the following conventions are typically used in music videos. Demonstrations of genre characteristics.
- Relationship between the lyrics and visual images
- Relationships between the lyrics and music - types of amplification, complimentary and contradictory concepts
- Demand for the record label - usually relies on the necessity for cinematography types such as, close ups (representations of the artist)
- Notion of looking (screens within screens) - voyeuristic treatment of the female body - sexualising them and giving them a less significant status in comparison to men (objectification). direct gaze, other people within the music video looking at the artist, insight in relation to the artists personal life. The use of screens and mirrors.
- Intertextual references - in relation to the following: films, television, programmes and other music videos
- Star power
- Genre characteristics
- Narrative - in relation to the music video
- Performance concept
- Illustration - music videos use a set of images to illustrate the meaning of lyrics and genre
- Amplification - relates to repetition; elucidation and effects are manipulated and is always shown thriuh the duration of the music video.
- Disjuncture - To the extent where the elucidation of the song is completely ignored.
- Comic effects - parody
- Pastiche - imagery
- Homage - imitations of flattery
Wednesday, 1 October 2014
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